SCSC offers a free one week trial to prospective Masters swimmers! Fill out the form or email aidan@sarpycountyswimclub.com to get started!
For insurance and liability reasons, we require you to complete the US Masters 30 Day Tryout/Trial/Guest registration membership application. The application can be downloaded and printed by clicking here. While USMS allows for up to 30 days for a trial, SCSC values and acknowledges the value of lane space for current members, which is why we only offer a one week trial.
The application must be submitted via email and submitted to aidan@sarpycountyswimclub.com prior to your first trial practice or printed and brought to your first trial practice.
I'm not a good swimmer, am I able to join?
Yes! Our team is made up of swimmers from beginner to former collegiate swimmer levels. We ask that swimmers be able to complete at least a 50yd freestyle, and have a basic understanding of all the strokes. Our coaches are happy to work with you to become a better swimmer!
Do I need to be fast?
We welcome all swimmers of any speed and skill, no matter how fast you can swim! We offer different speed/distance intervals at each practice to ensure everyone has a workout that is right for them!
Are there attendance requirements?
You are welcome to attend as many or as little practices as you would like. Whether it is one practice a week, to attending all practices offered.
Do I have to swim at swim meets?
No! Many of our swimmers swim for a variety of reasons, and don't compete at meets. We also support swimmers interested in competing at meets!
Is this an adult Learn-to-Swim program?
The word "Masters" sounds intimidating. Do I have to be an expert?
The word Masters was first applied to adults who participated in track and field and was later adopted in organized adult swimming. In swimming, Masters simply means 18 and older. SCSC Masters is a member club of US Masters Swimming.
When can I join?
You can join anytime! Whether it is at the beginning of the month or anytime during the month. If you join after the first week of the month, your monthly dues will be prorated.
I'm participating in a triathlon, will this program help me?
Yes! The SCSC Masters can help you develop a stronger swim portion of a triathlon!